Donate instead of giving
with alogis
Every year, alogis AG donates to humanitarian institutions and organizations at Christmas time to support people in need. It is the tradition of our company to live up to our social responsibility at the end of a successful business year. Therefore, we donate a total of 30.000,00 euro to various social projects.
The best gift is the smile of a child. A meaningful and sustainable alternative to expensive Christmas presents is a donation that gives children a chance for a better future.
If you are also looking for Christmas gifts with meaning, feel free to check out the organizations supported below.
UPPAHAR Deutschland e. V.
Help for India

UPPAHAR is an Indian first name and means "gift". Where injustice is done to people and they are despised, UPPAHAR gives them appreciation and love - a dignity given to them by God. UPPAHAR has been working towards this goal since 2000 in the East Indian states of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh with a variety of projects and programs. The main focus is on education, health, village development and emergency aid projects. Due to the consequences of the Corona Pandemic, UPPAHAR is currently providing many needy people in their working areas with basic food.
UPPAHAR Deutschland e. V. supports the work and takes over the administrative work in Germany. All members of the association are volunteers, so that the administrative costs are very low and 100% of every Euro goes to the projects in India which are planned by the donors.
2020: 3.333 Euro
Association for the promotion of the clinic for children with cancer

Since 1997, the honorary board of the association KINDerLEBEN e. V. has been providing constant support to families whose children have cancer.
Constant help means that the children and adolescents and their families are supported from the beginning of their stay in the pediatric oncology wards of the Charité Berlin until the end of the treatment cycles and in the aftercare phase.
2020: 3.333 Euro
Björn Schulz Stiftung
For a time full of life
The Björn Schulz Foundation supports families with life-shortening ill children. With the in-patient children's hospice Sonnenhof, various out-patient services, with possibilities for aftercare and recovery as well as mourning offers for the time after the child's death. In contrast to hospices for adults, which are only open to their guests for the last phase of life, the work of the children's hospices helps the entire family of the sick child from the time of diagnosis.
2020: 3.333 Euro
2019: 10.000 Euro
2018: 2.000 Euro
2017: 5.000 Euro
Medecins Sans Fontieres
unconditionally human
Medecins Sans Fontieres provides emergency medical aid worldwide in crisis and war zones and after natural disasters. The international organization helps quickly, efficiently and unbureaucratically - without asking about the origin, religion or political convictions of the people affected.
alogis supports MSF by donating to people from the Rohingya ethnic group who have fled Myanmar.
2018: 4.000 Euro
Brustkrebs Deutschland e. V.
Prognosis Life
The non-profit association was founded in 2003 by Renate Haidinger and is a joint and equal association of doctors, patients, relatives and companies with the goals of promoting prevention and early detection of breast cancer and breaking down taboos on this topic as well as providing doctors, patients and their families with as much information and support as possible. Furthermore, Brustkrebs Deutschland e. V. supports independent research. With only 5 permanent employees, the association organizes information events throughout Germany and has been helping patients and their families for more than 15 years.
2018: 2.000 Euro
for a good life - for a good death
When the healing of a person is no longer medically possible, when serious illness and inevitable death determine the remaining time, SPES VIVA stands by the side of the seriously ill and dying. SPES VIVA does not want to accelerate or delay death. The main concern is rather to alleviate the dying person's impairments - at home or in hospital - professionally and with voluntary support.
It is also important to SPES VIVA to give space to mourning people. In a time when dying is more and more pushed out of consciousness, the approaching death often creates a situation in which the dying as well as relatives feel left alone with their fears, worries and needs. Based on this experience, the palliative and hospice model SPES VIVA was founded in 1994. Initiator is Prof. Dr. Winfried Hardinghau.
2018: 2.000 Euro
GIPP e. V.
German-Indian Partnership Programs
The Salvator-Oberschule in Berlin-Reinickendorf has maintained a partnership with North East India since October 2011. Children and young people who belong to the poorest of the poor are supported in various projects. In 2013, former students, entrepreneurs, IT specialists, lawyers and teachers found the association to support 3 schools, including a school for the blind.
Currently they pay the school fees of 50 children who otherwise could not afford to attend school. They also support a home for the blind with donations in kind, such as a generator, Braille printer, car and medicine. At the end of 2018, in a joint relief action with the Archbishop of Berlin, the roof was repaired so that the children's clothes can be dried during the monsoon rain. GIPP e.V. supports the development of joint teaching projects at German and Indian schools, thus creating the conditions that at least one educated family member can feed all the others.
2018: 2.000 Euro
2017: 5.000 Euro
„wir helfen“
An action of the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger for children in need.
For more than 20 years the association has been supporting children whose psyche is fragile. Every cent has been used to strengthen the souls of children in our region.
"wir helfen" stands for 100 percent donations, as every cent can be passed on to projects and institutions without deduction. But "wir helfen" also stands for transparency. Readers of the "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" can follow every Wednesday and every Saturday (except during vacation periods) on a separate "wir helfen" page in the printed newspaper which projects are applying for funding, which are being supported and who is involved in the campaign for children in need in the Cologne region, how and with what.
2017: 5.000 Euro
wünschdirwas e. V.
We make children's dreams come true!
wünschdirwas e. V. is a non-profit association registered in Cologne, which has been fulfilling the heart's desires of seriously ill children and young people nationwide for over 28 years. An unforgettably beautiful experience is to contribute to give new courage and confidence and to let the illness be forgotten once. In addition, the association offers families a "time-out from illness" in the association's own vacation home in East Frisia and brings a little fun and variety into everyday hospital life with clinic projects.
2017: 5.000 Euro
terre des hommes
Help for children in need
Our goal is a "terre des hommes", an "earth of humanity". We protect children from slavery and exploitation, help refugee children, take care of the victims of war, violence and abuse and provide education and training for children. We support boys and girls whose families have died of Aids and we stand up for the right of children to a healthy environment and for the protection of discriminated population groups.
terre des hommes does not send helpers from Germany, but supports local initiatives with donations and through counselling. Our local project partners organize self-help projects and look after children in safe child protection centers. As a children's relief organization, terre des hommes consistently aligns its work with children's rights.
terre des hommes Deutschland e. V. was founded in 1967 by committed citizens to help seriously injured children from the Vietnam War. We are independent of governments, business, religious communities and parties and support more than 400 projects for exploited and disadvantaged children worldwide and in Germany. In Germany, volunteers work with terre des hommes in 120 places to help children in need.
2017: 10.000 Euro
Aktion Deutschland Hilft e. V.
Spendenaktion für Flüchtlinge in Syrien und den Nachbarländern
Already in 2015 we have decided to donate for the refugee aid in Syria and the neighboring countries. The refugee crisis continues. Therefore we continued our successful fundraising campaign in 2016 and again donated a sum to Aktion Deutschland Hilft.
Millions of people have so far had to leave their homes in Syria and seek help in neighboring refugee shelters. Many more are refugees in their own country.
For these reasons, we also called on employees, partners and customers to participate in our fundraising campaign. Our campaign with the keyword "alogis helps" has so far raised over 27,000 euros for the good cause.
2015 & 2016: 25.000 Euro