Mit Weitsicht und IT Kompetenz unterstützt unser SAP-Support Sie bei der Implementierung und beim Betrieb Ihrer SAP-Logistikloesungen.

    When the heat is on ...

    As long as the system works perfectly and is serviced, everything is ok. If errors occur or small or urgent changes are required that cannot be handled by your own IT team, the pressure to take action mounts up. For such cases, we offer 2nd and 3rd-level support services. The content, scope and precise definition of the processes are set out in the Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

    Service Level Agreements

    Service Level Agreements

    • Definition of the systems/solutions/services included
    • Establishment of escalation steps/contact partner
    • Selection of communication channels (service desk, hotline, email)
    • Ticket systems (Solution Manager, Remedy, CISM, Jira)
    • Coordination of support times (5 days x 8hrs/7 days x 24 hours, or similar)
    • Support standards (ITIL V3, SAP E2E Best Practices)
    Incident management

    Incident management

    • 2nd-level support (handling through consulting)
    • 3rd-level support (handling through consulting and/or development)
    Problem/change management

    Problem/change management

    • Collection and analysis of systematic errors (process or program)
    • Clarification of further action with IT and specialist area
    • Planning and handling of change requests
    • Coordination with project, release, template and transport planning