Quick application,
quick response.
At alogis AG, we don’t put you on hold. If you apply to alogis, we guarantee to process your application quickly and thoroughly. Our selection procedures are fair and transparent, as we want you to be able to rely on us.
Are you interested in a current job vacancy or would you like to send us a speculative application? Use our online application form or send us your complete application to bewerbung@alogis.com
The alogis application process in five phases:
Receipt of your application
We check your documents for completeness. If you have attached all the documents required for your application, you will receive a confirmation receipt by email within a maximum of three working days. Should you not have attached the necessary verifications, we will get in touch with you.
Review of your application documents
Your application is forwarded onto the divisional management, where we initially assess your professional suitability. If your knowledge and qualifications match our ideas and current vacancies, we will invite you to an initial interview on site or on the telephone.
Initial interview at alogis
In the initial meeting, our aim is to get to know you and your professional career on a personal level and find out more about your qualifications, your ideas and goals. We will introduce alogis AG and answer any questions you may have about the working environment at alogis AG.
A second interview is a step further
If the initial interview has left a positive impression on both sides, you will get to meet other colleagues - mostly future contacts - in a second interview and can clarify more specific questions about planned tasks, possible projects, starting dates, working conditions, etc.
If your ideas about the collaboration match with ours then there is nothing to stop your career at alogis AG and you will receive an employment contract to review. Once you have signed this, you become an “alogianer”, can address management using “du” (informal German word for “you”) and have full access to the coffee machine. Prior to starting work, we like to invite you to one of our regular employee breakfasts. Here, you can get to know all your colleagues and be brought up to speed with the current situation via employee information.